I was reading about the jam cookies in Maya's blog. The recipe looked simple but only thing the preparation instructions was given for the oven. But I decided to try it in the microwave. It looked simple till I burnt the first set of test cookies. Luckily I had kept only 2 cookies for testing. The next set of cookies turned out to be great.
The original recipe is here. So here is my version of the recipe.
All-purpose flour - 1 cup
Sugar - 1/2 cup
Butter, softened - 5-7 tbsp
Baking powder - 1/2 tsp
Cinnamon powder - 1/2 tsp
Mixed Fruit jam (melted) - 1/4 cup
Mix the flour, sugar, baking powder and cinnamon powder together. Add butter slowly and knead to form a soft dough. Keep the dough aside for 30 minutes. Make small balls, flatten only a little and make a slight indent in the middle with your finger and fill in melted jam. Keep in the microwave at low for 2 1/2 minutes and in medium for 1 minute. (The minutes could vary depending upon the power of the microwave. Test by keeping 2 cookies. Depending upon the result change the minutes.) The cookies will be really soft. Do not worry. Remove it from the microwave and keep it aside for 10 minutes. The cookies would have hardened.
Jam cookies are ready and Yummy!!!
Note: I wanted my cookies to be crispy, so I flattened them more than usual. (In the picture they are the cookies in the bottom of the white bowl). The cookies in the blue plate are cookies flattened only a bit.
I am sending this recipe to EFM - Microwave Oven Recipe

Wow this looks yummy. Easy one too. Will sure try this. Do post more microwave oven recipes.
Wow, these have turned out very well,I have been wanting to try baking in the microwave for a while now...I guess now I will have some motivation to try !
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